
This is not just a beautiful mug! It’s a powerful tool for spiritual support, guidance, and growth!


Dr. Masaru Emoto proved the human consciousness (words, emotions, and intentions) as well as music can change the molecular structure of water. This means the words on the mug, your own words, emotions, and intentions as well as music can infuse and activate Pig’s metaphysical properties in any beverage. Every sip from your Pig mug can immerse and cocoon your mind, body, and spirit with the magical energy, and medicine of this incredible Animal Guide!


Pig Spirit Animal: When Pig appears as your Spirit Animal, expect abundance in all forms!

Pig Totem Animal: Pig, as a Totem Animal, belongs to those who always seem to be under a lucky star.

Pig Power Animal: Invoke Pig as your Power Animal when you need to sniff out the best opportunities.

The Pig symbolizes your ability to stand on your own two feet, weather the storm, and come out even better than before. Pig does not allow for self-righteousness, instead calling for a quiet self-awareness for tapping into your ingenuity so you can turn on a dime without falling over. If you discover Pig as your Spirit Animal, it may mean that your life is about to flourish, and while this can mean financial prosperity, it doesn’t always have to be the case. The Pig Spirit has ties to the Earth Element and Mother Gaia, so perhaps your garden will grow prolifically, or may you suddenly start making several new networking leads. As this Spirit Animal’s gifts manifest, show gratitude. It is not the time to become selfish or give into excess. Pig says, “You are secure, so share the wealth!”

By working with this Pig Mug you can create whatever life you wish to live. Let them help you live in abundance, joy, and good health. In return…